Thursday, December 13, 2012

Javascript Unit Testing

The following posts will use QUnit functions for testing. There is no explicit marking of QUnit functoins. So, when in doubt search in QUnit API.

Testing if a button was clicked

The following code shows you how to unit test weather a button was clicked in javascript. I found need for this while trying to test the following scenario: When user presses enter while an input box has focus then fire a click event on the button next to the input box.
test(“button clicked”, function(){
$(“#button”).on(‘click’, function(event){
$(this).data(‘clicked’, true);

ok($(“#button”).data(‘clicked’), “button clicked”)
As you can see the sky is the limit to what can be tested with such a technique.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Ramaze on OpenShift

Ramaze App on OpenShift

  • Create an account with Openshift.
  • Install rhc gem using the following command.

sudo gem install rhc

  • Complete rhc setup using the OpenShift's get-started page.
  • Log into your OpenShift account and create an application using the web interface.
    • This will create a git repo on openshift.
    • Once application creation is completed a git repo link is provided.
  • Clone the repo to your local workstation using link provided. Url looks something like this. 


  • Let's say you have cloned it to $HOME/projects/app

cd app
cd ..

ramaze create app
cp $HOME/app/* $HOME/projects/app/ 
cd $HOME/projects/app

  • Openshift uses bundler to manage dependencies. Install bundler using
sudo gem install bundler
  • Create a Gemfile and Gemfile.lock
  • Add the following entries to Gemfile 

gem 'ramaze', '2012.04.14'

gem 'sequel', '3.40.0'

gem 'pg', '0.14.1'
  • Run bundle install. This will update Gemfile.lock file with dependencies.
  • Add all the files to git, commit and push.
  • What's great about Openshift is for every push, it stops the server, builds, redepoys application and starts the server.
  • Now go to the application link provided on your application creation page, you should see the "Welcome to Ramaze" Page.

Here is a deployed application if you want to look at it.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Basic TFS Commands

Checkout Files

tf get /force /overwrite /login:${username}@{domain},${password} 

diff/merge configuration in Team Foundation - common Command and Argument values

Some TFS commands for the rainy day when your TFS goes broke.
Replace the following in the command below with your own information.
$USERNAME = your username
$PASSWORD = your password
$DOMAINNAME = your domain name ( TLR by default. )


Q.) List my shelves.
A.) tf /login:$USERNAME@$DOMAINNAME,$PASSWORD shelvesets /owner:c138884
Q.) List files modified in working copy.
A.) tf /login:$USERNAME@$DOMAINNAME,$PASSWORD status /recursive .
NOTE: The last dot refers to current directory. If that argument is not specified tfs lists all changes in the workspace. If you have multiple projects inside the workspace the changes are listed per directory.
Q.) List working copy changeset number.
A.) tf /login:$USERNAME@$DOMAINNAME,$PASSWORD history /recursive /stopafter:1 .
Q.) Update project source code to latest version.
A.) tf /login:$USERNAME@$DOMAINNAME,$PASSWORD get /recursive
Q.) Update to specific changeset.
A.) tf /login:$USERNAME@$DOMAINNAME,$PASSWORD get /recursive /version:171568

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What goals are available for maven nbm plugin

How to find the plugin goals for mvn nbm plugin.

Running this command on nbm plugin should display the available goals. This is not specific to nbm and should work on any maven plugin.

mvn help:describe -Dplugin=nbm -Dmedium=true

Here is the goals available for maven nbm plugin version 3.7
Name: NBM Maven Plugin
Description: Maven plugin for creating NetBeans modules. It defines a custom
  lifecycle called 'nbm'. During packaging, the module JAR is enhanced with
  NetBeans-specific manifest entries and, along with other required files,
  packed into a *.nbm file, ready for distribution. Additionally the plugin
  provides aggregator goals to create an update site or cluster for your module
Group Id: org.codehaus.mojo
Artifact Id: nbm-maven-plugin
Version: 3.7
Goal Prefix: nbm

This plugin has 13 goals:


  Description: Create the NetBeans auto update site definition.


  Description: Package branding resources for NetBeans platform/IDE based
    application. The format of branding resources is the same as in NetBeans
    Ant-based projects. The src/main/nbm-branding folder of the project is
    assumed to contain the branding content. Within the directory, the
    following folder structure is assumed:
    - 1. pick the IDE/platform module which contents you want to brand. eg.
    - 2. locate the jar within the IDE/platform installation and it's cluster,
      eg. modules/org-openide-windows.jar
    - 3. create the same folder structure in src/main/nbm-branding, make folder
      with the module's jar name as well. eg. create folder by name
    - 4. within that folder place your branding modifications at the same
      location, as if they were withn the jar, eg.
      org/openide/windows/ui/ and place the changed bundle
      keys there.


  Description: (no description available)


  Description: Create the NetBeans module clusters from reactor.
    Semi-deprecated; used only for standalone modules and 'suites'.


  Description: Create the NetBeans module clusters/application for the
    'nbm-application' packaging projects


  Description: Display help information on nbm-maven-plugin.
      mvn nbm:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name>
    to display parameter details.


  Description: Goal for generating NetBeans module system specific manifest
    entries, part of 'nbm' lifecycle/packaging. In order to have the generated
    manifest picked up by the maven-jar-plugin, one shall add the following
    configuration snippet to maven-jar-plugin.


  Description: Create the NetBeans module artifact (nbm file), part of 'nbm'


  Description: A goal for identifying NetBeans modules from the installation
    and populating the local repository with them. Optionally you can also
    deploy to a remote repository.
    If you are looking for an existing remote repository for NetBeans
    artifacts, check out, it contains API
    artifacts for multiple releases. may also be used
    for SNAPSHOT artifacts if you wish to test development builds.

    See this HOWTO on how to generate the NetBeans binaries required by this

    Compatibility Note: The 3.0+ version puts all unrecognized, non-module, 3rd
    party jars in the org.netbeans.external group and adds them as dependencies
    to respective modules. That can cause backward incompatibility with earlier
    versions which generated incomplete (different) maven metadata.


  Description: Run NetBeans IDE with additional custom module clusters, to be
    used in conjunction with nbm:cluster. Semi-deprecated; used only for
    standalone modules and 'suites'.


  Description: Run a branded application on top of NetBeans Platform. To be
    used with projects with nbm-application packaging only and the project
    needs to be built first.


  Description: Create a standalone application out of the composed clusters
    of nbm-application


  Description: Create webstartable binaries for a 'nbm-application'.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Why TFS sucks giant hairy balls.

I have been using TFS at a client for SCM. It is the worst SCM tool I have used so far. I thought there was no parallel for ClearCase in how unproductive the tool can be, but TFS has got ClearCase beat by miles. TFS has managed to be worse than even CVS. Below I list my grievances about TFS. At the time of writing this article I am using four different TFS interfaces to manage the TFS’s stink.

TFS Windows Explorer Integration
TFS GUI Client
TFS Eclipse plugin

No ignore option.
There is no inbuilt gui for ignoring files from SCM. You are expected to edit .tpignore file. Well now, you carefully edit the .tpignore file like TFS respects you for being a human and guess what, TFS just made you the sucker because eclipse plugin decides whether or not to honor that file depending on what day of the week it is.  The only interface that seems to honor this is the Visual Studio TFS client. 

I wonder how and why large corporations pay thousands of dollars for this crap and chose to go with vendor lock in. In the age of GIT and HG, TFS has invented new lows.

No Detect Local Changes.

Other than eclipse none of the other interfaces seem to have a detect local changes option.

Very Intrusive

IMO, a SCM tool is supposed to track the changes in file contents and not the meta-data. On one hand I am trying to escape the wrath of eclipse and on the other hand I have to put up with the TFS crap.

I try to edit the files in netbeans and so I have to remove the lock that TFS puts on the files, so I change the permissions. I make a very minor change in a file and now I need to commit the changes.

So I right click in Explorer only to find there is no detect changes option. So I try the Get Latest Changes button, nothing happens. TFS GUI Client seems to behave the same way.
So, I start eclipse so I can commit the changes, well guess what the almighty eclipse plugin does, it marks all the files in the entire project as modified even the freaking jar files. There goes my entire day trying to figure out which file was actually edited. Try explaining that to your lead and business folks. What are you fucking molested as a child ? You dare say learn TFS way, I say trying to find workaround for TFS's short comings isn't a way, it is, by all means, hacking. 

Why does TFS give a fuck which editor I use to edit the files. Compare different versions of the files and see if there are any differences in the files and mark as changed.

Does not warn when there are file conflicts before checkin

I have had multiple occasions when TFS silently overwrites the version on the server without telling me that there is a new version of the same file on the server.

Only work around to this is update the source code and build right before checkin.

More suckiness to come ......